Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's a Wonderful Life

For years I would never watch It's a wonderful life because all I could remember about it from my childhood was the sad part from when he jumps off the bridge and then no one knows who he is to when he gets back to the bridge. I don't think I ever really got to see the end where things go back to being happy. So today, after Uncle Garn reassured me that it was not sad, I watched it. Very very good movie. I did ALMOST cry though. I wold also like to add that James Stewart is a great person from what I can tell. Someone went to do a Biography of him and they couldn't find any scandal that he had been involved in. That is awesome, especially when you work in Hollywood.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Maybe I'll have to watch it. I also thought it was a very sad movie last time (years ago) when i saw a part of it. I love reading about your activities and crafts.
Love, Aunt Jen