Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SNOW is falling all around,
on the house tops, on the ground,

SNOW is falling every where,
on my head and hands and hair.

I don't know who wrote that song but we sang it in primary ( primary: a class where LDS children sing songs and learn about the basic principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ)

Just so you know, it also snows in you car if it is really powdery and your AC is accidentally set to bring in the air from out side. It is not much but is still a weird thing when you are driving.

Happy February.


Roger said...

That's funny - in Queensland it is always Rain that is falling all around in Primary.

Peet Fulcher said...

Hi Clarissa - Anne said you are moving to California soon - when and where - I have no clue about the geography there but it would sure be nice if it all fell into place and we could see you when Jesse and I are there in March.
Love Kim
(Sorry signed in as Peet.)